An Open Letter to Senator Sam Brownback

I recently read an article about a major breakthrough in medical science where Adult Stems cells were used to restore feeling in a paraplegic patient.
"The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cythotherapy, centered on a woman who had been a paraplegic 19 years due to an accident.
'The patient could move her hips and feel her hip skin on day 15 after transplantation. On day 25 after transplantation her feet responded to stimulation.'
Umbilical cord cells are considered 'adult stem cells,' in contrast to embryonic stem cells, which have raised ethical concerns because a human embryo must be destroyed in order to harvest them."
Sam, I ask you as a fellow human being to strongly review your current stance on Stem Cell research and start to allow more funding for this technology. I received your last letter on the subject and although I appreciate your quick response, I do not agree with your position.
I realize that change is not easy, but please strongly consider supporting more ideas in this area.
MBA' 06