Study Time
I am back in Pennsylvania now and ready to continue my MBA studies at Villanova. This summer break was amazing. I spent the first half in Italy at the SDA Bocconni School of Management. The second half I drove from Villanova to Berkeley, California to work for a startup company called Aspera, Inc. I am good friends with one of the co-founders as we worked together when I was just a young buck back in Kansas.
One of the other things that I enjoyed about this summer was the free time to do some catchup on lesiure reading. Including books that I listen to on my drive I finished eleven.
Most recently:
1.) Networking with the Affluent
by Thomas J. Stanley

2.) Forbes Greatest Technology Stories: Inspiring Tales of Entrepreneurs and Inventors Who Revolutionized Modern Business
by Jeffrey S. Young

3.) Life of Pi
by Yann Martel

4.) Sharing Good Times
by Jimmy Carter

5.) Winning
by Jack Welsch

6.) Cracking the Millionaire Code
by Mark Victor Hansen, Robert G. Allen

7.) Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House
by Sally Bedell-Smith

8.) Angels & Demons
by Dan Brown

9.) How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie

10.) Digital Fortress
by Dan Brown

11.) Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincon: 21 Powerful Secrets of History's Greatest Speakers
by James C. Humes

Next on the List:
Fast Food Nation
by Eric Schlosser

If you have read any of these, drop me a line. I would enjoy hearing your interpretation.
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